Maxpiano@aol.com Maxpiano@aol.com
Sun, 31 May 1998 04:29:08 EDT


Baldwin made at least one stab at helping the technician when they changed
from trichoird unisons to one string per note.  It seems to me that not only
the mechanical part but also the transducers must have been designed by sales
and marketing.  In my experience the pickup was not consistent from one end of
the scale to the other.

In a message dated 98-05-29 11:21:26 EDT, you write:

 The basic concept of replacing the entire soundboard assembly with a series
of transducers
 was, to me at least, an exciting one. I was able to study the technology
fairly thoroughly
 for a time. I thought at the time that it had a lot of potential in real
 instruments. I still do. >>

Bill Maxim

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