Van, Cars As Tools

Z! Reinhardt
Sat, 30 May 1998 20:33:13 -0400

I might add here that having a presentable, reliable car is part of the
"Professional Image" equation.  About 5 years ago I picked up a 4-year-old
Toyota Camry, got all of the bugs worked out of it, and have been carefully
maintaining it since.  Furthermore, I try to keep it reasonably clean.

Perhaps I am making this up, but I swear my customers started taking me and
my work more seriously when I turned up in the Camry instead of the clunker
I had been driving.  Now it is obvious that it is not so new, but what is
also obvious is that it is well-maintained.  It is a tool, just like my
other tools, all of which are kept clean and functional.  They can see for
themselves that my tools must work first time every time if I am to get the
clean [ideal] results with a minimum of fuss.  In the case of the car, it
has to get me to where I am going as planned.

I often tell my customers that the piano is a cross between a pet and a car
.. more on that later, but only if others are interested.

Z! Reinhardt RPT
Ann Arbor  MI

> From: Vanderhoofven <>
> To: Pianotech <>
> Subject: Van
> Date: Saturday, May 30, 1998 10:28 AM
> O yes, since this is the Pianotech list, this post should say something
> about pianos...  Well, reliable transportation is very important, because
> drive about 10,000 to 15,000 miles a year, to and from customers homes. 
> the last year, we have had numerous times when I had to postpone
> appointments or was late because of car problems.  Once again I can drive
> with confidence instead of wondering when I would have to be towed back
> Take care of your car!  Regular maintenance is important, including oil
> changes, tune-ups, constant checking of fluid levels, tire rotation, and
> constant replacement of worn parts including belts and hoses.  
> May you have many years of driving with no problems!
> David Vanderhoofven

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