
John Ross
Thu, 05 Nov 1998 21:29:42 -0400

Hi Ron,
It probably was not your imagination.
I have seen quite a few uprights, from the early part of this century, that had
A435, stamped or cast in the plate. So this was obviously the pitch they were
designed for.
Wasn't it around 1928 that A440 became Standard?
John M. Ross
Windsor, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Ron Lindquist wrote:

> Have just tuned an old 1898 Starr upright, brought up the temp. oc. to
> pitch.  It sounded in tune but not plesent ,brought it down to A-435 and it
> sang  pleasantly. The customer was happy,so I was .
> Has anyone ever noticed somewhat the same type of experience or is it just
> my imagination?

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