
Roger Jolly baldyam@sk.sympatico.ca
Mon, 16 Nov 1998 00:33:45 -0600

Hi Ed,
          First lightly reshape the hammers and mate them to the strings,
then lightly steam them with a slightly damp cloth and a voicing iron, see
my previous post in the archives. This model responds very well to this
treatment.  Pay carefull attention to string mating at the bass/tenor break.
Regards Roger.

At 10:13 PM 15/11/98 -0800, you wrote:
>Help Please!!
>One of my piano clients is a piano teacher, and rather particular about her
>piano.  So far I have been able to keep her satisfied, and I would like to
>continue.  I tuned her piano in August, no problem, but I noticed that the
>tone was quite bright.  I voiced the center section of the piano, and felt
>that the tone was much more acceptable, and she agreed.
>Piano is a Baldwin Acrosonic.  Probably about 5 or 6 yrs old.
>Tonight she told me that the tone was becoming unpleasantly bright or
>harsh.  She resorted to putting some pillows behind it, because as some of
>her better students played, it would become almost painful.
>Is mere voicing going to help here, or should I do something else.  I have
>considered the Woolite treatment, which I have never used before, but am
>willing to try.  
>What do you think???
>Ed Carwithen
>John Day, OR
Roger Jolly
Baldwin Yamaha Piano Centre
Saskatoon and Regina
Saskatchewan, Canada.
Fax 652-0505

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