car broken into.

Wimblees@AOL.COM Wimblees@AOL.COM
Sun, 22 Nov 1998 16:31:49 EST

This mornning when I got in my car to go to church, I discovered that someone,
during the middle of the night, had ransacked my car. They took everything out
of my glove compartment, and threw it and all of my other paper work all over
the car. Then I discovered my briefcase with all my tuning tools, including my
new SATIII, missing. I couldn't beleive it. I walked around to the front of
the house and found the briefcase, and all of the contents, including the SAT,
strewn all over the street and yard. Fortunately I live on a dead end street,
and I am the only one on the street, so no cars had driven by. The good news
is that I didn't loose anything. The bad news is that the SAT is broken. It
still works, but the case is broken, and when you shake it, it rattles.
Hopefully all it needs is a new case, and a couple of connectors. The chapter
just bought a SAT for our members to use in emergencies, so I have a
replacement for a while. But what a way to start a day. 

Willem Blees

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