confusing cents and beats

Fri, 27 Nov 1998 18:06:56 EST

Greetings and let's all hold on a second (:)}}
This is a contradiction to me, when Newton posts:

>there are 8 cents per beat at A=440.
 and also
> At A=440 there
>are about 26 Hertz difference between semitone.
>                        Newton

  If there are 100 cents between semitones, and there is also 26 Hz. between
semitones at A440, then there is the equivalence of about 4 cents per Hz .  

Glenn writes:
>> Wouldn't six beats higher than A440 be 441.something?  I'm basing that on
>> knowing that to tune to 442 you must tune A440 8 beats sharp.

     This is confusing cents and beats.  You tune A4 sharp by 8 cents in order
to arrive at 442.  4 cents sharp will put you at 441.  
   At this pitch,  1 beat closely approximates 4 cents. 
Ed Foote 

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