Frank Cahill
Fri, 16 Oct 1998 15:07:04 -0400

jere fryett wrote:
> Dear List,
> I have recently purchased a SATII and have enjoyed using it, however, as I
> read articles and the manual I am confused as to the proper use of the
> machine.  How do some of you use your SAT?  Do you start from A0, after FAC
> readings,  and tune each note to the top, unisons as you go?  Do you set a
> Temperament with the machine and tune up and then down?  Just what do some
> of you do?  I want to get the best tuning I can and have used a couple of
> these methods but don't know which is best.
> Jere Fryett
> PTG Associate

Here is how I do it:

1. Tune temperment and verify with aural checks

2. Tune up from tempement to C8. Check auraly or measure intervals.

3. Tune down from temperment to A0. check auraly or measure intervals.

When using the SAT to pitch raise, tune from A0 to C8.

There are many trick with the SAT.  Jim Coleman is a real expert here!!!
With the SAT I can tune spinets quite nicely, using interval measuring
techniques.  Of course, it's time consuming and some may argue a waste
of time to do that good a job on a spinet.

If you just tune to the SAT without verifying auraly or with interval
measurement, you get in a rut and don't learn much.  It's a great tool.

Try to find a helpful RTP who uses a SAT and you will learn many things.

If you want more specific info, e-mail me directly.


Frank Cahill
Associate Member
Northern Va

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