Frank Cahill
Mon, 19 Oct 1998 22:25:30 -0400

Kgj38@AOL.COM wrote:
> In a message dated 98-10-19 13:59:10 EDT, you write:
> <<  One thing you seldom
>  hear about is that if the F3 is a wound string, FAC won't sound good because
>  of the difference in inharmonicity.  Use the F4 method which only tunes from
>  C3 to F6, then use double octaves above F6 and tune the bass to the middle
>  in any way you prefer.  You will enjoy that little box. >>
> Dick,
> That might explain why some of my fac tunings sound a bit odd.  Does it
> explain in the manual how to do the "F4 method"?
> Karen Johnson
> Rochester, MN

Jim Coleman uses a method of taking two FAC measurements instead of the
F4 method:

1. Measure FAC in normal manner, calculate and put in a page of memory.

2. Measure FAC, using the first plain wire as the F data, calculate and
put in a page of memory.

Now, tuning #1 is used for the wound strings. Tuning #2 is used for
plain strings.  The result is a better tuning.  I just use the F4

Frank Cahill
Associate Member
Northern Va

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