open list?
Mon, 26 Oct 1998 16:49:10 -0600

> ...The overwhelming majority of non-technical posts are from the piano
>...I'm not complaining about those non-technical posts...
> ...just to ignore and delete any posts that you think are inappropriate...
>...Either someone else who feels more generous that day will do
>it, or no one will -- but you'll avoid 30 or 40 more messages about
>what to do about those messages.
>---|  Steven D. Majewski   (804-982-0831)  <sdm7g@Virginia.EDU>  |---
>---|  Department of Molecular Physiology and Biological Physics  |---

Thank you, Steven, for laying the axe at the root concerning the nonsense
of those who would declare what is unwanted or inappropriate for the
Pianotech list.

Post away,

Keith McGavern
Registered Piano Technician
Oklahoma Chapter 731
Piano Technicians Guild

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