Low FAC, Henry F.

RptBob1@aol.com RptBob1@aol.com
Mon, 7 Sep 1998 18:31:57 EDT

In a message dated 98-09-07 12:59:25 EDT, you write:

<< nts well taken!   Notice how we are getting more and more afraid to
 > anything in fear of victimizing yet another group.  Who are the real
 > in all of this?
 > Bob
I understand there is a move afoot to change that wonderful Gershwin song from
Porgy and Bess to: "Bess, you are my woman now"
Didn't want to offend the grammar nuts or seem like there was some type
-casting to the song.
No, I won't say another thing.

Bob Bergantino

It isn't necessarily so...

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