damper blockss

Susan Kline skline@proaxis.com
Tue, 08 Sep 1998 11:06:38

At 07:33 AM 9/8/98 -0700, you wrote:
>I'm trying to rebuild an old "Arion" piano, more for self-instruction than
>anything else, still I would hope that eventually it will be playable.
>I need to replace the damper blocks themselves, not just the damper felts.
>Several missing, some are broken in two.  Schaff doesn't stock them, and
>doesn't have anyone to suggest.  Does anyone on the list know where I could
>get a set of these damper blocks????
>Ed Carwithen
>John Day, OR

Hi, Ed

I believe that if you buy a set from Yamaha (like for a U1 or P2) they come
with blocks already, and are very good quality. I think that Yamaha labels
them "damper head assembly." I don't know if the number of notes in the
bass is the same, but you could probably work around that. If you need a
few more of one type than the Yamaha set gives you, you could save and
reuse the best of the old blocks.

Have fun.


Susan Kline
P.O. Box 1651
Philomath, OR 97370

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