Binding Hammer Flange

Andy&Chris Taylor
Sat, 12 Sep 1998 00:16:45 -0500

I may or may not have solved a problem on a binding hammer flange in a
upright player yesterday, So I thought I would put it in front of the group
and see what you guys thought.

I removed the offending hammer butt, and observed the flange. the pin was
tuning in the butt instead of the felt bushings like it was supposed to.

So I pulled the pin. eased the bushing and reinstalled the pin (I didn't
have a bigger pin here in this case) It _still_ turned in the butt.

I feared if I eased the bushing anymore I would end up with a wobbly flange,
so I got an eyedropper, and dripped water in the pin hole in the hammer
butt. I thought it might swell the wood just a bit and it would be tight

I put the pin back in and let it set overnight. sure enough the butt was
tight again and the pin rotated in the bushings like it should.

So my question is, will this repair last or just work right until the wood
dries out?

AndyBest Regards
Andy & Chris Taylor
"The Lone Arranger"
Tempola Music Rolls
"Taylor Made" Just For You

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