Keytop Adhesives
Tue, 15 Sep 1998 10:29:28 EDT

In a message dated 98-09-14 16:03:32 EDT, you write:

<< Does anyone know of a good, non-toxic keytop adhesive? I have always used
 Weldwood contact cement in the past with good results. Even with good
 ventilation though, just 5 minutes of smelling that stuff turns me into the
 poster boy for adolescent sniffing abuse. I have a good 3/4 mask but is not
 very comfortable for that long a time. I tried the Elmers blue non-toxic
 contact cement but it doesn't seem to hold as good. >>

I use 3m spray adheasive. This is rubber cement in a spray can. To me it
doesn't have a bad smell. 

Willem Blees RPT
St. Louis

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