David ilvedson
Sat, 26 Sep 1998 21:09:33 +0000

I don't think anyone doubts that the RCT has more bells and 
whistles than the SAT...

Comments following...
> Regarding RCT vs SAT. The rotation exercise is not necessary. Simply plug
> in an external mic to RCT and put the computer where ever it is easy and
> comfortable to see.
I don't like the extra weight and size.  We had demonstration 
using the lastest Toshiba tiny laptop with RCT and the program 
has too much info for a tiny screen.

> I am glad that the good Dr. has improved his product. It was quite
> venerable and of course the microprocessor in the SAT and SAT2 cost the
> princely sum of less than $1.00. (remember this chip was in the commodore
> 64 and the Apple 2C)

Come on Don, it took a hell of lot more than a $1.00 chip to 
make the SAT

> Might I ask if it can display the tuning it generates before you use 
> it?

How many technicians use that feature?  Can you change the 
display on the fly if you "see" something you don't like.  What 
has seeing got to do with it? 

> Does it do redundant sampling when calculating a tuning to make sure the
> note was correctly recorded?  

I don't think this really important?  

> Does it warn you if a sample is invalid?

What does invalid mean?  It didn't sample it correctly?  

> Might I ask if it can display the partial structure of notes on the piano
> as an aid to voicing? (not to mention showing the client what is going
> on--after all they often don't hear what we hear.)

Great feature!
> Might I ask if it has essential unlimited storage for tunings?

I don't need it...who does?  I use FAC and write my numbers on 
the piano plate in pencil which I enter at the next service.  I 
use 1 page on my SAT II.
> Might I ask if it can vary pitch correction compensations between 9% to 45%
> Does it all you to specify where the strings change from wound to unwound
> and automatically switch to a higher over pull percentage?

Do I need too have this capability?
> If your SAT fails can you borrow a friends laptop computer and load the
> software and continue to work at the kind of comfort level you wish, or do
> you need to have a backup SAT (as I did for years)?

I can borrow friends SAT if that happens and it has and I don't 
have to install the program.
> Can a SAT user download tunings over the internet from another SAT owner
> without the use of a midi box and computer?

Does anyone really do that?  
> Clearly RCT is feature rich when compared to the SAT. It is also given the
> low cost of PC laptop computers a cheaper solution.

It certainly has a lot of features and is state of the art.  The 
question is do I need state of the art?
> How much is it worth to you to have your entire data base with you when you
> answer your cell phone?

I only use my cell phone when I am paged but I regularly say to 
new customers I will have to call back in the evening as 
everything is on the computer.  I like that feature
> As to battery life. I can tune and pitch correct 4 pianos before I need to
> access an AC line to recharge my computer. 

Charging everyday is not something I'd like...

David Ilvedson, RPT
Pacifica, CA

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