Sun, 27 Sep 1998 20:06:21 -0700

Wim writes(after quote):

<< Does the SAT III automatically switch to the next highest (or lowest)
 half-step while tuning?  This is a feature I am really interested in.
 Clyde Hollinger


Yes. That is also one of the reasons I got the new SATIII. I am having a
little difficulty with it, but Paul is going to fix it. 

Willem Blees

Wim, this is the sort of thing I would be interested in hearing. What's
the problem? I don't think Inventronics will be embarrassed. I presume
they're going to overcome the difficulty. I hope that the problem will
be rectified by the time my machine comes off the assembly line, but it
would be useful info for those of us who are on the waiting list for SAT

I would also like to hear your positive comments. What is it about the
SAT III that is an improvement over the previous model in your
experience so far? This should also be of interest to those first time
prospective buyers of ANY edt.

Bob Anderson
Tucson, AZ

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