Another TUNE-OFF, was Re: RCT - The Daily Worker's VTD

Wed, 30 Sep 1998 10:14:49 EDT

In a message dated 9/30/98 10:02:18 AM, Wimblees@AOL.COM wrote:

<<<<" Jon Page
 PS. Why not include other EDT's as well ? ">>

<<"What other EDT would you want to compete with the RCT and SAT?

Wim, Jon;
 What is an EDT?? Electronic Darn Tuner?? :-) Could y'all be meaning ETD-?
Wim you aren't paying attention...remember my mea culpa vis a vis TuneLab?
 Of the three, SAT, RCT, TuneLab, only the SAT is an ETD, the other two are
tuning programs which may be used on the platform of your
choice...........speaking of which has anyone tried using these dillies on the
Palm Pilot? 
Dumb question ??? :-)
Jim Bryant (FL)

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