how high (low) do you go

Thu, 30 Nov 2000 23:23:43 EST

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> Thank you Stan for your input on playing brass and other instruments to a
> non-standard pitch.  I have no doubt that it gets dicey.  I am still a
> bit curious, though, what range you WOULD be comfortable with.  Is 5
> cents low comfortable?  10 cents low?  I ask so that when I am requested
> to tune a piano to a pipe organ and other instruments may be involved I
> can adequately inform the client of the inherent problems with tuning low
> beyond a certain point.  Of course A-440 is ideal, but not always
> realistic, I'm afraid, for the pipe organ tech.  A bit like taking an
> elephant for a walk, eh?  You follow more than you lead...

The question is like most that are dealt with here--there isn't just one 
right answer, but my gut feeling is that MOST players, even double reeds 
which have very limited tuning range, can deal fairly easily with a range 
from, say, A438 to A442.  The latter is pretty common to orchestras today 
across the country, probably across the world.  Going lower is somewhat 
problematical, but within a relatively narrow range, possible.  Trouble is, 
the situation is getting to be such that A440 IS already the low point!!!

Best advice I've seen is tune the piano at A440 and let them deal with the 
organ as they must.  I've also crawled around in organ lofts a little, back 
in my younger, more agile, somewhat lighter days......and I didn't like it 
then, either!

Stan Ryberg
Barrington IL

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