Kudos to company reps

Clyde Hollinger cedel@supernet.com
Fri, 01 Dec 2000 06:49:57 -0500

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I would like to publicly thank Don Mannino of Kawai and Roger Wheelock
of Dampp-Chaser for hanging out on this list.  Would that someone did so
from *every* major company related to the work of piano technicians.
That would include manufacturers, parts suppliers, and related products
and services.

As I continue in my occupation as a piano technician I realize more and
more that we've got to support one another in related fields such as
piano sales, service, and teaching.  We are each part of a whole, doing
our part to bring beautiful music to the world.  Once again, "thanks a
million!"  I applaud you.

Did I miss any representatives in my kudos?  I know someone from Yamaha
used to make his presence seen once in a while, but not lately, I
think.  I would welcome knowing if others are observing, even if they
rarely write anything.

Clyde Hollinger, RPT

Donald Mannino wrote:

> Hi Robotuner.
> I sure hate that design.  I have tried quite a few times to get that
> design changed, and was fortunate to succeed at least partially with
> the new K series models - they were going to make them all this way!


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