Kudos to company reps

Douglasmahard@AOL.COM Douglasmahard@AOL.COM
Sat, 2 Dec 2000 06:36:11 EST

In a message dated 12/01/2000 9:49:43 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
cedel@supernet.com writes:

<< Friends,
 I would like to publicly thank Don Mannino of Kawai and Roger Wheelock
 of Dampp-Chaser for hanging out on this list.  Would that someone did so
 from *every* major company related to the work of piano technicians.
 That would include manufacturers, parts suppliers, and related products
 and services.
 As I continue in my occupation as a piano technician I realize more and
 more that we've got to support one another in related fields such as
 piano sales, service, and teaching.  We are each part of a whole, doing
 our part to bring beautiful music to the world.  Once again, "thanks a
 million!"  I applaud you.
 Clyde Hollinger, RPT
I'm with you Clyde, it is refreshing and reassuring when the company 
representatives post on the list.  It is a small part of a professional image 
for a big company, but it says to me they're going an extra distance in 
customer and related field satisfaction.

Llyod Meyer from Renner occasionally posts if I recall correctly.

My thanks also to the posting representatives.

Doug Mahard

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