More Pearle river

Ron Nossaman
Sat, 02 Dec 2000 18:30:51 -0600

>Technical Content:
>As per Ron N's Pearle River thingees.....I have tuned/serviced aprox 12 of 
>these, mostly verticals models. Out of this small grouping I would have 
>recommended that a customers of mine purchase only two and only then when 
>money was the 'paramount' issue but a new instrument was desired. But it 
>needs to be said that a Pearle River instrument of today is better than one 
>from two years ago.
>Jim Bryant (FL)

Thanks Jim. One more thing I forgot to mention. In the vertical, it was
very audibly obvious where the bridge was cut out around the tenor/treble
strut. Overall, they do seem to be improving some year by year.

Ron N

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