Rottweiler in Piano

Sun, 3 Dec 2000 16:50:03 -0500

Just thought I would pass this one on for your enjoyment - gotta be the
weirdest call I've had yet. Some fella called my business line today and
indicated in an alarmed tone that his rottweiler dog was stuck inside his
piano. He said he could see his head and he was snarling and barking (the
dog). He said he left this morning and when he got back his da#& wife had
left and the dog had gotten into the piano. I asked if it were a grand or a
vertical. He did not know. I asked if it went up against the wall. He said
yes. I told him to call animal control.

At first I figured it was someone I knew - just pulling a stunt, but it
appeared he was serious. Hard 'ta figger how the dawg got hisself inta that
thar pie-anner. Musta bean won a them thar player pie-anners.

Terry Farrell
Piano Tuning & Service
Tampa, Florida

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