Is this a physical impossibility?

Mon, 04 Dec 2000 12:44:16 -0200

Hi, Chris,

Short of switching hammers/actions, stringing, or whatever, I don't
think it would quite be possible to do this fundamentally (although
David Stanwood has demonstrated effective transformations to touch and
voicing using binder clips on hammer shanks). With two midi enabled
instruments this might work, not concisely, still with a single
controller - perhaps one or the other - and with its particular
idiosyncracies. However, one isn't necessarily restricted to the modern
template (itself a little dated, IMO) so far as actions, where several
antique designs (and, I think at least two modern ones) afford many of
the common features, with certain differences for instance in lower
inertia, efficient control of friction, lower or variable touch,
shallower key dip, durable and simpler regulation, while not necessarily
all in one design (could be). Certainly such an action wouldn't
reproduce but a few fp features, and might annoy purists of either
persuasion but probably not performers, anyhow. (An incremental damper
lift shouldn't be difficult to implement.)

Personally, I much prefer the overall sound of straight strung grands:
projection and definition is very different, pleasing and not at all
antique to my ears (and where it seems oblique, then over stringing were
conceived to gain bass string length for rectangular instruments).



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