Is this a physical impossibility?

Roger Jolly
Tue, 05 Dec 2000 09:47:03 -0600

Richard Moody wrote:

> What was the mind boggling experience?  Lemme guess. After all the effort no
> one could tell the difference?  ---ric   ; )

Hi Ric,
        No Cigar.  Most heard the difference, but picked the HT as
sounding better in tune. Well untill a piece was played in F#. Then WOW.
With a room full of players, I thought most would have picked ET. It was
a lesson for me just how dramatic the key sensitivity.
No one has been banging down the door to have their piano tuned in HT.
We are thinking of keeping a studio piano in the store tuned in a HT
just for a curiousity, and to further judge reactions.
Maybe I'm the only one who caught the dreaded HT flu virus. <G>

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