Burnout/not excusable language

Kristinn Leifsson istuner@islandia.is
Wed, 06 Dec 2000 10:28:35 +0000

Donīt panic!!!

At 09:30 6.12.2000 +0000, you wrote:
>Im terribly sorry guys but....have I
>missed something here? There
>seems to be someone out there that
>has reacted to my "bad language"

Just the same ol' same ol' my dear Maria, stakkals fråkan.

>(the word "shitty" is the only thing I
>know of at the moment). Also that I
>have been reported (?) for this word
>to some list moderator?!? Oh dear! :)

There IS no list moderator, just people that find it necessary to publicly 
speak out.

>1. I come from Sweden and english
>is therefore not my native tounge.
>This is not an exuse but simply an
>explaination and a fact to my
>missspelling, wrong grammar or
>use of a wrong word.

My point exactly, Bob.
See, itīs all coming out.

>2. I, as a Swede, have many times
>found myself in a little embaressing
>situation when I have understood
>that my last sentence or word to
>someone who has english as a
>motherlanguage has suddenly
>become quiet and started to smile at

Know that feeling...

>American films are full of foul
>language, violence and nonloving
>values, yet...when someone uses a
>tiny word in public (in a joking way)
>its "the end of the world". This I...and
>many sweeds find quite hypocritical!

Yup, you donīt see any fat people in Hollywood films either (no the nutty 
professor doesnīt count).

>4. When I wrote the word "s***tty" I
>was in a humorous mood and

Humor has no place on this list!!  ;-)

  Life is TOO short to get
>nervous about a tiny word that is said
>in a joking manner on a list, dont you

Oh yes, I agree.  I think that getting pissed... oops, at someone in a 
different country for a little word is silly.
There are things in life to worry about, and this shouldnīt be one of them.
But remember, people that react most strongly to this grew up listening to 
"Letīs talk about the birds and the bees, and the flowers and the trees" 
whereas we listened to "Letīs talk about s*x" growing up.
When they went to the movies it was "Frankly my dear, I donīt give a damn", 
but with us itīs "**** off you ******* female canine!"

This list a like a propane tank, and there are a lot of matches around.  We 
(or at least I) sometimes forget that there are actual human beings behind 
those letters on the screen.  I know that if I met Bob someday, I could 
probably (I hope) still buy him that cheeseburger with onions that we 
talked about, and heīd probably treat me with respect, as I would treat 
him.  Itīs easy to get carried away when writing on a "seemingly" 
non-personal list.

We are what we are, and we are not what we are... on the List.  So donīt 
judge people by what they write on the List.  There are too many 
variables.  There are so many things that we donīt know about.  For 
instance when a certain list member had jury duty for a long time he was 
irritable.  People lashed out to him, but then he explained his case.  It 
was no big deal.

And not omitting my innocent mentioning of leaving PITCH RAISED unisons not 
totally pure... wow, was that ever a big deal!
I was accused of being a con artist!
How do you know what I consider pure?  You donīt. There are too many 
Give people the benefit of the doubt.

>5. If I happen to "make a fool of
>myself" again (God forbid!)....plz tell
>me in PERSON before you involve
>list moderators, you see...i find that
>more honest and mature.

Yes it is more honest and mature.
There are ways of being offensive without using offensive words, and 
humiliating people is one of them.

Be yourself.

>Take care!
>Best regards,

Puss i ljumsken, (did you puritans know that it means "a kiss in the groin" 
in Swedish but is actually a friendly good-bye?)

Kristinn Leifsson,
Reykjavík, Iceland (where people arenīt put to jail for kissing their 
children on the mouth in public)

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Bob, this is Swedish <g>
You were talking about not knowing whether she was Swedish.
I suggest reading posts at least three times before replying in a volatile 
I still wish I could shake your hand.

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