not excusable language

Clyde Hollinger
Wed, 06 Dec 2000 06:23:51 -0500


There is no list moderator.  However, I understand that any contributor
to this list has the privilege of helping to moderate it, so that is
what happens.  Some of us agree and some don't, and that's life.  But I
think we should at least take the moderating seriously, and it appears
you are doing that.

I enjoy having input from various nations on this list, but invariably
our cultures or languages will cause a misunderstanding.  That may be
what happened here.  We find our way through it and keep going,
hopefully without longstanding resentment.

I am asking myself, if I were in your shoes, how would I respond?  One
parallel I can think of is the hand sign we use for "OK," which I
understand is a vulgar gesture with an entirely different meaning in
some cultures.  I use the sign here because it is not perceived as
vulgar, but if I would be interacting with a culture where it was
offensive I would not use it.

I assume you innocently stepped into this situation, based on Kristinn's
explanation.  It is profane to me, but perhaps not to you.  I
appreciated his explanation, assuming he's not "pulling our collective
leg."  We are all now a little wiser, I hope, and a little richer as

There are those on this list who write profanities, and they know it,
and they sound arrogant in their intention to keep using it.  I do not
see arrogance as a desirable trait.  I appreciate your spirit of
consideration, since I really do not like seeing profanity here (or

Regards, Clyde Hollinger wrote:

> Im terribly sorry guys but....have I
> missed something here? There
> seems to be someone out there that
> has reacted to my "bad language"
> (the word "shitty" is the only thing I
> know of at the moment). Also that I
> have been reported (?) for this word
> to some list moderator?!? Oh dear! :)

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