To Bob...

SpockinKansas@AOL.COM SpockinKansas@AOL.COM
Wed, 6 Dec 2000 17:40:40 EST

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In a message dated 12/06/00 7:54:49 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

> ....I cannot pretend to be 
> someone that is so uptight that one 
> cant say a bad word ever in a joking 
> manner. This is simply not my 
> style...and it has nothing to do with 
> culture. Though, there are 
> differences to as how we ppl. 
> interpret words. That I admit.

1. Your reply to all comments was sarcastic and obnoxious
2. This is a PUBLIC forum. You don't use words in that manner in a list that 
reaches many people. Humor has nothing to do with it. 


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