Andrew's Tom Cole upright!

Tom Cole
Wed, 06 Dec 2000 20:56:15 -0800

> Dear Andrew;
>  I don't believe I have ever heard of a "Tom Cole" piano...perhaps it is a
> knock off or 'Stencil' piano. Are they good instruments? 

Dear JIMRPT@AOL.COM (I hope I've spelled your name right. Aren't periods
supposed to go at the end?),
	Yes, they're very good instruments. You never heard of them because you
live in a far off land where there are no dealerships. They're nothing
like those horrible Nahkov or Schtenzil pianos to which you refer.

> ...In the
> future just go ahead and deposit the check it probably will go right through
> and not cause any problems whatsoever. You are welcome. :-)
> Jim Bryant (FL)

I see that I was worrying needlessly and you have cleared up my
confusion completely. 

Thank you, sir, for your immeasurable help and reassurance.

Andy Coler

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