Average person's perception....

Richard Brekne Richard.Brekne@grieg.uib.no
Thu, 07 Dec 2000 16:29:50 +0100

Kristinn Leifsson wrote:

> When I went to study piano work, a girl I was speaking to basically mocked
> me.  P-I-A-N-O  T-U-N-I-N-G!???
> After I came back, I met her.  She asked me what I was doing and suddenly
> "oh yeah P-I-A-N-O  T-U-N-I-N-G, that was it"
> And what was she doing?  Working in a bakery, getting fatter every
> day.  And I was making MUCH more money, but it was still a stupid job.

Some folks just cant get past their own realities Kristin. If something is not in
their experience book, then its either impossible, ridiculous, a lie, or whatever
it takes to make the person feel good about themselves. Humans are sometimes
amazing with this need to put themselves above others around them.

Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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