Gas Prices again- then back to pianos.

Richard Brekne
Thu, 07 Dec 2000 21:06:04 +0100

So let me see if I understand you Robert... virtually the entire scientific
community, save a few Rush Limbaugh employees... grin.., all government agencies
accross the globe, and virtually everyone who has used a greater portion of there
lives studying this climate stuff are all wrong,,,,, and you are right..

ok... that sounds reasonable.  Del... you stand corrected... grin.

Robert Goodale wrote:

> A government agency?  What a shocker.
> > The head of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has declared
> > that the climate situation is now 'critical,' and has urged the world
> > governments to immediately take steps to reduce their use of carbon fuels.
> Another government agency gone bad.  NOAA was created to govern maritime
> transportation, develop and maintain navigational systems, and provide accurate
> cartography for maps and charts.  Later they took on some responsibilities
> shared with the FAA and the NTSB.  Becoming environmental activists was never
> part of the package.  Looks like some stupid group has forced them into another
> agenda.  Seems this is what happened to OSHA too.
> > The list goes on...
> Unfortunately.
> Lest we be reminded that the climate of the planet has never been stable in
> it's entire 8.5 billion year history.  There have been numerous ice ages,
> droughts, tropical climates have become deserts, deserts have become oceans,
> etc, etc.  Earth's history has experienced massive volcanic activity that has
> spewed hundreds of times more toxic gasses into the air then all of man's
> activities combined.  This is one of those facts that so-called "green groups"
> fail to mention.  A variance of 2 degrees in fifty years and claiming that the
> world will come to an end is pure scare tactic politically motivated junk
> science.  Nature has a way of fixing things on it's own.  I would imagine that
> someday within the next hundred years or less alternative energy will make
> fossil fuels obsolete and oil drilling equipment will become museum displays.
> The skies will clear and nature will take care of the rest.  Then people will
> wonder why we spent so many billions of dollars scaring everyone into thinking
> that we are headed into Armageddon.  We all need to be responsible with the
> fuels we use and how we use them.  There is no excuse for ignoring unnecessary
> pollution.  However, being dependent on unstable foreign resources instead of
> taping into our own makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.  Do you really think
> that Arabs give a damn if one of their tankers spills a half million gallons of
> oil into the gulf?  Just because the pollution is happening a world away
> doesn't mean it isn't happening.  We have the means of extracting oil in far
> more environmentally responsible ways than any other nation on the planet, yet
> we would rather let some irresponsible government do the dirty work for us and
> then be held hostage at the pump.  What's wrong with this picture?
> Rob Goodale, RPT
> Las Vegas, NV

Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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