100 messages!!!! Overhead way too high!

Richard Oliver Snelson rsnelson@dave-world.net
Thu, 07 Dec 2000 15:56:48 -0600

It's time to cut the chatter! Get back to technical subjects. "The real
purpose of this list."   No one seems to know how to send a message
directly to an individual.. The list doesn't need to read every sentence
that you want to exchange. 

I getting more like a "lonely hearts club" then a technical forum. Darn
I really hated to say that, but it's true. Is it because we work alone
and have no one to talk with? 

Come on folks.....100...messages each time I look. I have to wade
through all that to find any personnel email buried in the chatter. I'm
sure no one would miss me if I sign out of this mess, however in the end
you will all be the loosers. Because it's not me you will miss. It's the
dozens of fine technicians that have turned this whole thing off.. Don't
believe me! Ask at your next chapter meet. Who is still reading the
pianotech list?

Flame suit is on.. My direct email is above..Use it not the list
 Richard Oliver Snelson

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