Baldwin click

Ed Carwithen
Thu, 07 Dec 2000 14:54:56 -0800

I fixed a click today.

Baldwin Spinet. Owner has complained about a clicking sound when the key
returns to rest after playing a note.  I have messed around with the thing
several trips.  Sometimes it seems less sometimes not.
 One of the rubber grommets (doughnut, goes in the metal clip on the back
of the keys) on the sticker wire broke a couple of weeks ago.  I ordered
replacements from Schaff, and put them on all the stickers today.  The C5
key, which was the worst clicking offender, had a grommet that was only
half there.  No more click.  
  This is meant as information for anyone who might be having the same

Ed Carwithen
John Day, OR

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