hearing aid

Ed Carwithen edwithen@oregontrail.net
Thu, 07 Dec 2000 15:39:49 -0800

Dear List:

Having lost part of the upper frequencies in my left ear, thanks to small
band rooms and large bands, a particularly loud trumpeter who sat behind me
in orchestra for 16 years, and general lack of care...
 I recently obtained a hearing aid to assist in boosting those frequencies
that were weak.  Mind, I only wear one, as the right ear seems to be doing
just fine, thank you.
  It does seem to help in conversation.  Music I'm not as sure.

  Tuning with it seems to be a problem.  Those boosted high frequencies
give the strings a very jagged, jangly sound that is extremely offensive.
I had done a grand for a program last week without the hearing aid; when I
heard the piano on the program with the aid I couldn't believe how horrible
it sounded.

  Tuned a baldwin spinet today.  Started with the aid in, but the sound was
so discordant that I removed it, and continued to tune with much less
difficulty. The aid amplifies the higher partials so much that the
fundamental is obscured.

  Anyone else out there with hearing aid(s) that can relate to what I am
saying?  I have tried different amplification strength, but still not sure
but what I am doing better without than with.  What do you say????

Ed Carwithen
John Day, OR

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