
Newton Hunt
Thu, 07 Dec 2000 14:26:05 -0500

> but finding all the lid hinge screws strippedclear out,
> with half of them lying on the soundboard, is sort of unusual
> for me. Weirdness.

Hi Ron,

College kids and professors!  The longer you work in a
college venue the more weird st!uff you will find that has
no mechanical, scientific or rational explanation.  I know;
I've been there and scratched that knoggin.

What I have found works well is to take the lid off and
place the hinge halves on it.  Spray the screws with
Glideall or some such and drop two or three drops of thick
CA into the hole and screw the screw into place.  Use an
impact movement to turn out the screw a quarter after the CA
sets then retighten the screw

Check to see if the lid guide pin and socket are still in
place at the treble end.  If not replace them ASAP.  I have
often used these devices on other pianos to protect the
hinge screws and screw holes..  Three legged support is
better than two.  Except for crutches of course.

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