[OT] Proposal on off-topic discussions

Christopher Witmer cdwitmer@spamcop.net
Fri, 08 Dec 2000 15:28:17 +0900

A further refinement is possible: combine filters to filter out [OT]
messages from just certain people. For example, if you value Horatio
Hornblower's pronouncements about pianos but your blood pressure goes up
as soon as he waxes political, you can combine filtering criteria to
redirect only Hornblower's [OT] posts to the Trash folder; his non-OT
posts continue to reach your Inbox. As long as everyone can agree to
standardize posts in such a fashion, a little creative filtering can go
a long way in maintaining peace and sanity in cyberspace.

"Kevin E. Ramsey RPT" wrote:
> Perhaps that would be wise. Whoever wants to "browse" through all of it can,
> and those who don't won't ever get the "Off topic" posts. Perfect.!

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