misfiring jack

Richard Brekne Richard.Brekne@grieg.uib.no
Mon, 11 Dec 2000 12:28:35 +0100

Dave Nereson wrote:

>  Any of the above will of course
> change the touch-weight, but if it makes the piano playable, as opposed
> to not-playable, and if the pianist isn't sensitive to the touch-weight,
> what the heck?  Has anyone ever added the little round weights found in
> some grand damper levers to upright wippens?
>     --Dave Nereson, RPT, Denver Chapter PTG

You might try adding the thin lead rounds that you buy for Stannwoodising
hammers and insert in upright hammer butts. You dont need much more then 2
grams or so to make quite a difference in this kinda problem. Usually if the
action will almost return to rest, but not quite enough to avoid jack
misfiring.... there is a friction problem somewhere.

Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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