music desk felt

Ron Nossaman
Mon, 11 Dec 2000 06:43:01 -0600

>I service a 1976 Yamaha grand G2 that has felt on the music shelf.  How
>do I go about replacing the felt, and where do I get the felt (part
>number also, if you have it), to end up with a job that looks
>factory-perfect and will hold up well?  It's a sort of brown or cinnamon
>color.  Thanks.
>Clyde Hollinger, RPT

Hi Clyde,
I'm not sure what it's glued down with, so getting the old stuff off could
be an adventure. I'd try scraping first, followed by the usual water, heat,
steam, and high explosive progression as necessary. Muttering helps. For a
durable good looking replacement, I'd use leather. Option two - ultra suede
from a fabric store. I know, it comes down to how much time you can spend
chasing down the material for the number of $$$ you can charge for the job.
Either of these suggestions might prove to be easier than finding an
appropriate strip of felt.

Ron N

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