string buzz quandry

Baldwin Yamaha Piano Centre
Tue, 12 Dec 2000 21:19:07 -0600

Hi Matt,
              Sounds as if you have some loose bridge pins or bridge cap. Take
your screw driver and press down on top of the pins and see if the buzz goes away
and the tone improves. If so, pull the pin and run some thin epoxy, or CA glue
down the hole, remember epoxy takes time to cure, CA glue is the quicky field
repair of choice for many of us.
Heating 5min epoxy so it runs like water is also fairly quick. wait about 30min
before pulling the string to tension.
Some times just driving the bridge pin in a little further can clear up the
problem. Use a nail set punch and give it a tap.
Hpe this helps

RustRazor@AOL.COM wrote:

> Hi all;
> I've come upon a grand piano which has a note in the damperless zone (about 2
> 1/2 octaves above middle C), that has a short buzz upon hammer impact.  No
> one string will buzz but any two out of the unison together will create the
> buzz.  If I take the butt end of a screwdriver and press on the strings where
> they cross the bridge, in between the fore and aft bridge pins the buzz goes
> away.
> I don't have much experience with bridges and therefore ask any of the sagely
> contributors here for any suggestions as to how to deal with this noise.
> Thanks,
> Matt Wynne, NY

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