Sauter Pianos

David Love
Wed, 13 Dec 2000 21:34:59 -0000

Looking for opinions by any who have had long term experience with Sauter 
pianos.  I have a customer considering a 6'1" grand. I have seen a few but 
have not had extensive exerience with them.  Curious how you would rate them 
for construction, durability, tone, etc..  The dealer is saying that the 
2000 models are a cut above previous ones due to changes in manufacturing.  
Pricewise, they don't seem to differ from a Hamburg Steinway that much 
(which is generally where I would steer him for that price).  I don't like 
to make suggestions when it comes to personal taste, so I am looking for 
objective (as much as possible) criteria.

David Love

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