Hey, you all :)

maria arnelöf maria.arnelof@spray.se
Thu, 14 Dec 2000 22:21:36 +0100

Hi, guys (and dolls).

Just wanted to say that I apreciate the replys from the list telling me to
go to the gym and get my "deletefinger" in shape and try to cheer up :) I
will do so and reconsider perhaps comming back later on. I know you fellas
have alot of knowladge under your shirt (and blouses for the women :P )
that is valuable to take part in. I will miss that and also the funny ones
that share their humour sometimes on the list. Therefore Ill just take
snooze from pgt-list and mabye someday in the near future you will
be"honoured with my presence" containing "cheeky" comments or serious
"blah-blah" about mhz and so called "pure octaves" :) Well see. Whatever
happends, have fun now and take care!

Ps: And to André, Newton, Kristinn, Johan Ola, Kevin, Stephen....thanks for
your mails! Tom: hope you will feel better soon, good luck!

Adieu, adieu...tou ieu and ieu and ieu! ("The hills are alive....with the
sound of muuuuuusiiiiiic, but what shall we do with the girl named


  "In space no one can hear you scream"
          In 1979 it came from within.
          In 1986 it was gone forever.
In 1992 our worst fears have come true.
                      Its back!

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