Woodfinisher's Pride

Mark Story mark.story@mail.ewu.edu
Thu, 14 Dec 2000 17:14:07 -0800

The Savogran is good. It costs about $40/gal. though. I emailed Savogran to
see if I could get it in larger quantity than the half gallons that I am
buying at the hardware store and save some $s to boot. They told me to call
the local Sherwin Williams contractor outlet, since though they don't stock
it, they can order it in 5s and 55s. Turns out the cost is about the same at
double the hassle. Anyone need some handy 1/2 gal. containers?

Mark Story. RPT
Eastern Washington University
Cheney, Washington

 -----Original Message-----
From: 	owner-pianotech@ptg.org [mailto:owner-pianotech@ptg.org]  On Behalf
Of gutlo
Sent:	Thursday, December 14, 2000 8:18 PM
To:	pianotech@ptg.org
Subject:	Re: Woodfinisher's Pride

Woodfinisher's Pride is the best paint stripper I've ever used -- contains
no methylene choride, goes right to the bare wood in one application, with
minimal odor.  It was too good to last -- discontinued!

I have a sample on the way of a replacement product by Savogran that
promises to be at least as good, if not better.  I will post the results of
my tests, probably next week.  If it works out well, it will be distributed
along with PianoLac waterborne lacquer.

Arthur Grudko, PianoLac (The Waterborne That Works)

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