the final result

Ron Koval
Fri, 15 Dec 2000 20:54:58

Hi all-

Happy holidays, has everyone else been putting in their share of overtime?

Sorry I didn't have a chance to jump in sooner on this one.

I'll have to join Keith on this one.  I think that on Richard's side of the 
big pond, EDT's are not used or accepted to the same degree as 'over here'.  
That being said, I think if the machines are not there yet, they will very 
soon be to the point of being as accurate and consistant as the best tuners 
out there.  I know many people will vigorously disagree with this idea, but 
I also remember a long strike by the typesetters against the Chicago Tribune 
while I was in school.  They don't need them anymore.....

Technology changes many things, I think someone with good people skills, the 
ability to tune unisons, and hear whether the octave sounds "good" or not, 
could do a fine job.  Yes, they could even be called a piano tuner, because 
they are the one with the patience to 'set' the selected tuning on whatever 
instrument that is in front of them.

Tuning ET.....a huge mystery?   Nah, just a job for a good divider!  Now if 
you want the piano to sound its best for playing music, let's talk about 
selecting other temperaments!

see ya!

Ron Koval
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