Last octave/stretching, etc.

Fri, 15 Dec 2000 14:06:35 -0800

Thanks Dave for providing the aural tests for stretching (C8 tuned with 
C6).  Most of the time I see people giving the number of cents 
sharp/flat.  My only problem with that is that I can't afford an electronic 
device, so I am completely an aural tuner.  As a result, I have little idea 
what 45 cents sharp sounds like as a stretch on a particular piano.

I often tune the last octave so that the double octave + 5th is only 
slightly narrow.  Then I make sure the single octave isn't beating 
wildly.  I have always wondered how many cents sharp I am stretching in 
that octave.  It must be reasonable because it worked for my tuning exam.

Larry Beach, RPT
Vancouver, BC

At 09:13 AM 12/15/2000 -0600, you wrote:
>I wanted to compare with what I usually do.  My normal "D" tuning leaves 
>C8 at 45 cents.  That puts C8 as a 19th from F5.  To me that's certainly 
>in the "normal" range.  Most of the time (non concert tuning) I prefer C8 
>as a double octave of C6, but that depends on the customer.

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