Last octave

Kent Swafford
Fri, 15 Dec 2000 21:53:15 -0600

I used pure 5ths ET for the whole piano.

Sorry for the confusion. I intended to use my experience with tuning pure
fifths ET simply as an example of our customers not immediately telling us
what they really think. Techs learn early in their careers, I think, that
the absence of complaints does not constitute praise.

Also, the absence of complaints in the case of a highly stretched top octave
could just mean that no one played any repertoire that exposes the wildly
beating single octaves of such a tuning. In the tuning that Ed mentioned in
which the C8 is at +55 cents deviation, it is likely that the C7-C8 single
octave would be beating in the neighborhood of 30 (!) beats per second --
this would likely sound great in playing arpeggios, not so great for playing
single octaves.


on 12/15/00 5:37 AM, Clyde Hollinger at wrote:

> Kent,
> Did you try the pure fifths only on the last octave, or on more of the piano?
> Regards, Clyde
> Kent Swafford wrote:
>> I experimented with some "pure 5ths ET" tunings a few years back
>> without telling the concert pianist in whose studio I was working. He didn't
>> say anything at the time, but weeks later he admitted (knowing that my
>> situation at the university is not ideal) that he had thought I had finally
>> gone crazy.

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