What is and what is not a piano tuner (was Re: The FinalResult)

Richard Brekne Richard.Brekne@grieg.uib.no
Sat, 16 Dec 2000 13:41:31 +0100

A440A@AOL.COM wrote:

> Richard writes:
> << Gollly Ed. What on earth is wrong with being required to demonstrate that
> you have a basic skill level. If you are so hung up on this point... why dont
> you
> get equally hung up on testing for membership in the PTG ?<<
> The PTG is a voluntary organization.

True enough.. but the PTG makes a big point out of advertising to use RPTS to
assure quality and proffesional work. Obviously the PTG has also some measure of
assurance of minimum standards on its agenda. As well it should

> >> Do you really see government
> oppression out of the need to test individuals for compentancy ?>>
>      One small question or two:  who is going to do the "testing"?  And who
> is going to try and convince me that the process won't be political?
> Ed.

Who does the testing now ?? and why should that be per se, any more or less
political then any other testing proceedure ?

I doubt seriously that arriving at a fair testing administration system is any
real problem. And any testing of anything can be accused of suffering from some
degree of being political. Heck even the rejection of any form of regulation is a
political standpoint.

What it boils down too is simply assuring that someone accepting payment for work
has some form of education and developed skills that has lead that individual to
a minimum standard of profficiency. Those who can not meet that minimum standard
have no buisness accepting money in the first place, those who simply refuse to
allow themselves to be thus adjugded got a personal problem that they should work
on... as this is really no big deal for someone who knows how to tune.

Ed... I remember a previous discussion you and I had about HT's where we both
seemed very very much aggreed that any tuner should be required to have a
workable knowledge of basic HT principles... or at least a theoretical
familiarity with them.  I am curious as to how you can have what are two
apparently conflicting stands on this.

Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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