Sat, 16 Dec 2000 09:44:01 -0600

Saw your "really ccccold" tag, Bob, on Pianotech  :)

Bloody sure you aren't a Brit  <g>

Yes, my brother is still there taking care of business.  Sorry, no trip is
in the making, but I assure you, if such a thing ever takes place, I'll be
placing a call to you without fail and take advantage of your terrific
offer !

Thanks for making contact.

Best to you,


   Hello Keith,   Is your brother still at the U of C?  Are you planning a
trip to Calgary. Let me would be nice to  meet you. We could
tour the keyboard museum with a dear friend Bill Garlick. It is
bloody cold here though. Bring extras!   Bob     Robert Moffatt 
>Moffatt & Sons Piano Service
>Calgary,  Alberta

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