(OT) coffin nails

Richard Brekne Richard.Brekne@grieg.uib.no
Sun, 17 Dec 2000 13:40:36 +0100

Actually I woulda never been able to handle this without this new anti-smoking
pill thats on the market over here. I am not sure if its available in the
States yet but its amazing stuff. It effectively blocks the physical side of
addiction and removes that completely from the problem of quiting. And it
seems to have some effect on the psychological side of things too... perhaps
simply because of the lack of physical addiciton symptoms, I dont really know.

Anyways... I have no doubt this is for good and that I will never pick them up
again. The pill contains bupropionhydroklorid, is called Zyban and is
distributed by a company called GlaxoWellcome for any who may be interested.

Phil Bondi wrote:

> I admire anyone who has kicked that habit (5-time loser here)..as recently
> as this past Summer, after I had some surgery, I had stopped
> altogether..then I would have 'just one' in the morning with
> coffee..then...well...anyone who's been there knows what I mean.
> Ed, you're right..the only way to stop is to realize that 'no' is the only
> answer.
> weak roo(k)

Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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