String Splice Time

Sun, 17 Dec 2000 12:09:00 -0500

Thanks for the link Ola. In my mind, if the string breaks a second time in a
new location, the customer pays for the splice and gets a recommendation for
a new string. If the string breaks at my splice (my splice was apparently at
fault), I put in a new splice for free, or if the string is just totally
shot now, or appears not trustworthy, I charge for the new string and do not
charge for my apparently faulty splice.

One needs to best decide whether you splicing talents, or your expertise
regarding recommending the splice was at fault for the splice failing. If it
were a case where you recommended splicing to maintain string tonal
consistency, but warned the customer that it might not hold because
ABCDEF...... and it failed and you ended up replacing the string, then it
would be appropriate to charge for the failed splice AND the new string.

Terry Farrell
Piano Tuning & Service
Tampa, Florida

----- Original Message -----
From: "Johan Ola Andersson" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, December 17, 2000 9:16 AM
Subject: SV: String Splice Time

> Here's a nice site
> A problem
> What do you do when you spent a 1/2 hour tying and the string breaks for
the second time?
> Do you tie it again or order a new string?
> Who pays for the 1/2 hour of time already spent to no use, me or the
> Ola Andersson

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