Killing the List

Woodrow, John (Parramatta)
Mon, 18 Dec 2000 15:13:57 +1100

Robin Blankenship wrote:
This list is far too valuable to the less experienced and mid-level tech to
let it slip away.
Could you recommend some helpful solutions?

IMO, it is slipping away FAST, and it is often the worst offenders who have
the most to loose by the demise of this list.  If we continue as is, I have
no doubt that with 12 to 18 months this list will be ......can't find the
right word, but dead will do. 

This list grew from a relatively small group of 'serious' (professionally
not necessarily personality) technicians with access to the emerging new
Internet technology.  Now that 'everybody' has access to the Internet, the
way the list has developed is probably to have been expected.  In the past
the list was NEVER short of a mix of meaty piano topics and simple practical
tips thanks to major contributions from contributors such as Jim Coleman

So it comes down to do people want:
(1)	a forum for discussing piano related topics, being kept brief and to
the point to be of maximum value to busy people, or
(2)	a general chit-chat social discussion group for piano-technicians

The thing is I don't believe both goals can coexist with the 'low level'
discussion group technology being used here.  Those who want option 2 are
killing the list for those who want an option 1.

With the demise of most formal courses in piano technology, I believe the
list has, or at least had, the potential to fill a large gap in the piano
technology educational space.  My experience is that those who say they know
everything and don't need this are usually in most need of such a resource.
For this purpose my recommendations to the PTG to get the list back on this
track would be:
It should only be available to PTG members (including International
Correspondence).  Reason, if you don't want to financially contribute, well
need I explain, and
A paid moderator should be appointed.  I would be more than happy to have a
small increase in membership fee (say $10 or $20) to pay for the use of a
moderated list.

John Woodrow


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