Old uprights - think twice?

Mon, 18 Dec 2000 08:14:57 EST

Clyde wrote;
<<"Should we show these old beasts more respect?">>

 The short answer is yes.  
The long answer is yes but.................who is going to pay for it?
Most of the rewhatevering being done is being done to grands...Why? because 
people are willing to pay for it. Uprights, regardless of their quality, are 
not regarded in the same light in terms of value received. I would not mind 
rewhatevering more of the old thingees but...verrry few want to discuss it, 
much less pay for it. Until the economics of this proposition turn around it 
will be a 'neglected' class of pianos in terms of rewhatevering.
My view.
Jim Bryant (FL)

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