Killing the List

Wimblees@AOL.COM Wimblees@AOL.COM
Mon, 18 Dec 2000 18:50:29 EST

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In a message dated 12/17/00 11:10:53 PM Central Standard Time, writes:

> So it comes down to do people want:
> (1)    a forum for discussing piano related topics, being kept brief and to
> the point to be of maximum value to busy people, or
> (2)    a general chit-chat social discussion group for piano-technicians
I look at this list as a PTG convention. I have been to every convention 
since 1978 in Cincinnati. In all those years, I have seen a lot of different 
classes. And as much as I would like to, there is no way I could have 
attended every class. In some cases, I didn't want to attend some classes 
because I already knew the subject, (beginning action regulation, etc.), or I 
had no interest. (player piano repair, advanced Cybertuning tips) or the 
instructor wasn't someone I wanted to learn from. (obviously I won't mention 
any names). 

The classes at a convention at important, in that they do cover a specific 
subject. But one of the best part of a convention is the "chatter" with other 
technicians. The impromptu discussions that take place in the hallways, the 
bar, or over lunch. The neat thing about these discussions is that they go 
from one subject to another. You never know where they are going to lead. And 
as with any impromptu discussion, there is going to be some personal chatter, 
some jokes, and some off the subject interjections. 

And that is how I view this list. Some comments are important, direct and to 
the point. But some of you only contribute only a small bit of information, 
or a side comment. It might not solve the technical problem up for 
discussion, but the comment is appreciated non to less.  

Because of the convention, I have gotten to personally know a lot of the 
contributors to the list. I hope, over the next couple of years, to meet some 
of you who I only know by your "handle." I hope those who do contribute just 
a little to the list, will continue to do so. For those of you who complain 
there is not enough "meat" to read, do like Ron suggests, open you "mouth" 
and give us your opinion. Who knows, it might lead to a subject on which I 
will have nothing to say. 


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